I can't provide much commentary this go-round because today is my uncle's funeral and I have house full of relatives, but Obama-maniacs, prepare to have your hearts start melting. We've got tons of pics of "Daddy and Daughters Time!" Hooray! And it's all so wonderful and cute. But I'm itching for some pictures of Michelle. So far all I've been able to dig up are pictures where she's obscured in some fashion. Oh well. Daddy/Daughters time will simply have to suffice! I'm sure there will be no complaining.
All pictures are by The Associated Press and are from Aug. 12.
Barack, Sasha and Malia walking along Kailua Beach in Kailua, Hawaii

Um ... cutest ... photo ... ever.
Barack goes for a solo walk around Ala Moana Beach park in Honolulu, Hawaii

A picnic in the park with friends and family

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