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Friday, September 5, 2008

They Finally Call The Obamas "Uppity"

All was missing was the "Negro" part. WEB DuBois would be proud.

From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:

The "Straight Talk Express" has taken a hard right turn. And personages in the party of Abraham Lincoln are using language left behind in the 1960s.

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, R-Ga., was chewing the fat with reporters in the U.S. Capitol and was asked to compare Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama.

"Just from what little I've seen of her and Mr. Obama, Senator Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks they're uppity."

"Asked to clarify that he used the word 'uppity,' Westmoreland said, 'Uppity, yeah,' " the newspaper The Hill reported.

OK. Who wants to start the countdown for when folks start dropping "darkie," "buck" and "coon" in casual conversations and interviews? They have to start off low on the offensive scale. They're going to save "nigger" for late October.

Places please, Negras! We can't have you all running around thinking you're free and shit. Someone needs to bring the cotton harvest in!

This latest incident should dovetail nicely with the overt, not covet, in-your-face, sit-down-and-shut-up bigotry Michelle is dealing with. How dare she be black AND have a vagina? Obviously she deserves our scorn.

I can now see why sister hits the gym so hard. She's prepared to take a mutha down if her Secret Service detail falls short.

Some alleged "PUMAs," those faux Hillary Clinton-loving dead-enders, put out a few, ahem, racist videos depicting Michelle Obama with a man both in drag and blackface. (Via of Michelle Obama Watch, by Rumproast)

“Michelle” is referred to as a “goddamn bitch” by one of her two white slaves and the “grand dragon” of the NAACP ("National Association for the Annihilation of Caucasian People") is introduced, replete with a black hood and robe. And the dreck doesn’t end there.

If this were a simple parodist jaunt it would still miss the mark by a thousand feet. See? When something is racist there is very little room for debate. Racism can be covert, but this is "knock you over with a two-by-four" obvious. If you don't think this is racist I got a DW Griffith film to show you.

Some of the black characters are played by white actors with make-up, particularly those characters who were required to come in contact with a white actress. The person playing the Cameron's maid is not only clearly white, but is also obviously male. ("The Birth of a Nation," Internet Movie Database trivia)

Some shit never changes. This is what happens when black folks forget their place!


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