J. Crew knows who they're sending a gift basket this Christmas! Her first name is Michelle and her last name rhymes with "Yo Mama!"
From New York Magazine's fashion blog, The Cut:
The top and cardigan she wore were far from overlooked. By yesterday afternoon, the J.Crew in Rockefeller Center pulled all the cardigans off the racks to reserve for customers who called that morning and put them on hold. We called the J.Crew on Prince Street this afternoon, and they had the skirt and cardigan in our size.
A spokeswoman for J.Crew told us the company is "very excited" by the response and could not reveal the quantity of Obama duds still in stock, but said the clothes are "selling out." She added, "We'd love to do a ball gown for her" — as in for the inauguration ball if Obama wins. She said they've tried to approach the campaign but haven't been able to get through. "I think they're thinking about Tuesday." Hm … maybe.
Like a one-woman stimulus package, Michelle Obama is doing her part to uplift the sagging retail market. By announcing to the world she got her yellow ensemble from J. Crew on The Tonight Show and that she shops on-line (because you can't always get to a mall when you're criss-crossing America trying to get your man elected and raise two precocious daughters), she has given J. Crew the same shot in the arm of fashion frenzy she gave White House/Black Market and still pester Chicago designer Maria Pinto. Newbie designer Thankoon Panichgul has also appreciated Mrs. O shout-outs to the Prêt-à -Porter crowd.
Also, Red Carpet Fashion Awards blog wants to know who rocked the Thankoon better!

First off, Julianne Moore's calves look stunning. Someone has been hitting the gym. But the dress looks boxy on her. Mostly because Moore is thinner, so the dress hangs loose, while on Michelle, it hugs the curves. Personally, I hate this dress on both of them simply because I dislike the schizophrenic pattern, but feel free to voice your opinions on who made the Thankoon sing.
And love them or hate them, here is a link to the soon-to-be legends tag team behind Michelle O. pins of (could-be) victory -- London's Erickson Beamon.

Also benefiting from the "What is Michelle wearing" economy, designers Vicki Beamon and Karen Erickson are responsible for just about every pin we've loved and/or complained about since the Democratic National Convention. (As seen on the above Thankoon dress.)
Here's a sample of their work from Electric Couture.com, it reminds me of a more posh version of Betsy Johnson's frenetic jewelry work (to go with her frenetic, sometimes cute, sometimes crazy clothes).
And them pin t'ain't cheap! Lowest price I've seen is $305. (And you don't wanna know about the necklaces!)

And a side Michelle Fashion Note: A few right wingers/conservatives have linked to my Michelle O. fashion postings to point out that Obama wears expensive, trendy duds as if this rebuffs the kerfuffle over a certain Sarah Palin and her RNC purchased suits.
One, for the record, I didn't give a crap about the RNC spending $150,000 to dress Sarah Barracuda. To me it was a funny story, but not a non-starter. Usually they wait until you get to D.C. to give you the makeover, but they started early with her. No big. And she is part of the packaging, a walking, talking, defaming advertisement for the campaign. I figured they just made her part of the promotional budget.
Secondly, the controversy, as I understood it, wasn't that she was wearing expensive clothes (although some wrongly razzed her for that), it was that the RNC spent $150,000 dressing her and they were not Palin's clothes, somehow undercutting Palin's mystic. The DNC did not dress the Obamas. (Or the Bidens) Michelle's been spending her own cash on everything from Pinto originals to J. Crew. And Michelle Obama isn't running for vice president. So I think it's a lazy comparisson. You'd be better off using my, "Who cares it's just clothes! Is that the best you can come up with, you sexist?!?!" argument, but ... do what you gotta do, my conservative bloggers! I appreciate the links anyway.