Celebrity Photos Fashion

Friday, October 31, 2008

McCain to Appear on SNL This Weekend

Hey! I didn't know New York was a battleground state!

From Gawker:

Senator John McCain will appear on the popular "sketch comedy" television program Saturday Night Live this weekend. McCain hosted the show in 2002, so he's no stranger to their fun-loving antics. The only difference is that this time out, McCain is, we're told, running for president, and the election is on Tuesday. So, sure, hanging out in New York City sounds good, why not. Barack Obama was rumored to be considering an appearance too, but it seems like he might spend the weekend before the election campaigning in swing states?

Personally, I would be obsessively hitting western Pennsylvania and Ohio trying to flip those states in my direction, not chatting it up with Lorne Michaels and Seth Myers, but I'm not going to tell McMaverick how to do his McMavericking. He's obviously a professional at pulling jack moves. And since the Obama Campaign has decided to show NO MERCY and start airing ads in Georgia, North Dakota and McCain's own backyard of Arizona, it's Murderball out there, people! Make your own rules!

That said, what is SNL going to do with this election is over? The race for Commander-In-Chief of What Bush Broke will be dunzo in a matter of days. They'll have to go back to relying on Paris Hilton and Laser Cats -- and maybe it's my ovaries, but I don't find Laser Cats funny at all.

Jon Stewart on the "O-mercial"

Lovin' the Richard Pryor movie reference. Very nice.

Happy Halloween From Glitter and Chuckles!

"Glitter and Chuckles" are my new pet names for Honeymooners Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey. I've never seen two people take THIS many pictures of themselves in little outfits with cakes or cookies or theme park characters in costume. Everyday is picture day at Sears and Hazelwood Day at Six Flags Over Mid-America for these people.* Gotta love 'em.

*Inside joke: Back in the high school in the 90s every teen sweetheart couple went to Sears to have pictures taken together, often in matching outfits, which they then wore to "Hazelwood Day" aka "Six Flags Day" in St. Louis. I went to Hazelwood Central High School, the largest school in the Hazelwood district, one of the largest school districts in the state of Missouri. What I'm saying is, Nick and Mariah are totally high school, but that's OK. Mariah still doodles rainbows and butterflies on everything and is probably really into Lisa Frank.

Oh, and I like how Mariah is rocking the black man's cookies! Famous Amos!

How to Wear the Boyfriend Jean

Shopbop put together these amazing looks. Pairing the baggy boyfriend jeans with more sleek sophisticated tops, shoes and accessories.

Fashionable News with Michelle Obama

J. Crew knows who they're sending a gift basket this Christmas! Her first name is Michelle and her last name rhymes with "Yo Mama!"

From New York Magazine's fashion blog, The Cut:

The top and cardigan she wore were far from overlooked. By yesterday afternoon, the J.Crew in Rockefeller Center pulled all the cardigans off the racks to reserve for customers who called that morning and put them on hold. We called the J.Crew on Prince Street this afternoon, and they had the skirt and cardigan in our size.

A spokeswoman for J.Crew told us the company is "very excited" by the response and could not reveal the quantity of Obama duds still in stock, but said the clothes are "selling out." She added, "We'd love to do a ball gown for her" — as in for the inauguration ball if Obama wins. She said they've tried to approach the campaign but haven't been able to get through. "I think they're thinking about Tuesday." Hm … maybe.

Like a one-woman stimulus package, Michelle Obama is doing her part to uplift the sagging retail market. By announcing to the world she got her yellow ensemble from J. Crew on The Tonight Show and that she shops on-line (because you can't always get to a mall when you're criss-crossing America trying to get your man elected and raise two precocious daughters), she has given J. Crew the same shot in the arm of fashion frenzy she gave White House/Black Market and still pester Chicago designer Maria Pinto. Newbie designer Thankoon Panichgul has also appreciated Mrs. O shout-outs to the Prêt-à-Porter crowd.

Also, Red Carpet Fashion Awards blog wants to know who rocked the Thankoon better!

First off, Julianne Moore's calves look stunning. Someone has been hitting the gym. But the dress looks boxy on her. Mostly because Moore is thinner, so the dress hangs loose, while on Michelle, it hugs the curves. Personally, I hate this dress on both of them simply because I dislike the schizophrenic pattern, but feel free to voice your opinions on who made the Thankoon sing.

And love them or hate them, here is a link to the soon-to-be legends tag team behind Michelle O. pins of (could-be) victory -- London's Erickson Beamon.

Also benefiting from the "What is Michelle wearing" economy, designers Vicki Beamon and Karen Erickson are responsible for just about every pin we've loved and/or complained about since the Democratic National Convention. (As seen on the above Thankoon dress.)

Here's a sample of their work from Electric Couture.com, it reminds me of a more posh version of Betsy Johnson's frenetic jewelry work (to go with her frenetic, sometimes cute, sometimes crazy clothes).

And them pin t'ain't cheap! Lowest price I've seen is $305. (And you don't wanna know about the necklaces!)

And a side Michelle Fashion Note: A few right wingers/conservatives have linked to my Michelle O. fashion postings to point out that Obama wears expensive, trendy duds as if this rebuffs the kerfuffle over a certain Sarah Palin and her RNC purchased suits.

One, for the record, I didn't give a crap about the RNC spending $150,000 to dress Sarah Barracuda. To me it was a funny story, but not a non-starter. Usually they wait until you get to D.C. to give you the makeover, but they started early with her. No big. And she is part of the packaging, a walking, talking, defaming advertisement for the campaign. I figured they just made her part of the promotional budget.

Secondly, the controversy, as I understood it, wasn't that she was wearing expensive clothes (although some wrongly razzed her for that), it was that the RNC spent $150,000 dressing her and they were not Palin's clothes, somehow undercutting Palin's mystic. The DNC did not dress the Obamas. (Or the Bidens) Michelle's been spending her own cash on everything from Pinto originals to J. Crew. And Michelle Obama isn't running for vice president. So I think it's a lazy comparisson. You'd be better off using my, "Who cares it's just clothes! Is that the best you can come up with, you sexist?!?!" argument, but ... do what you gotta do, my conservative bloggers! I appreciate the links anyway.

Chris Matthews Searches and Finds His Inner "Negro Lament"

After the "O-mercial" Wednesday night, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews sat down and had a little chat about it. After calling it effective and romantic Matthews, suddenly, as if reading from some stage play entitled "A Black Man's Lament," went into a lengthy rant how Barack Obama and the Obamas as a family have done EVERYTHING America has ever said black people needed to do, yet, some whites were still recalcitrant in accepting Obama, maybe more interested in forever moving the racial acceptance goal posts on "what a brotha has to do to be your new black BFF."

Chris, apparently, so moved by the O-mercial, can't take it anymore. If you still think Barack Obama isn't American enough why ... why ... why ... Chris Matthews doesn't like you very much right now. As I said to a friend, "Chris has converted suddenly from Catholicism to Negroism ... Like he went 'THAT'S IT! I've gone black and I'm NEVER GOING BACK! Bring on the chittlins!'"

(What's an Irish brotha gotta do to get you to vote for Obama rant begins at 2:50 on the video clip.)

The Riggle Sanchez Gets A Goat By the Throat

Normally I can't stand Rick Sanchez's 2 p.m. show on CNN because it is all over the place, no one talks for longer than 30 seconds on any given subject and it gives me seizures to see him bounce from "Twitter" board to "Facebook" page, all which seem too informal in a news setting. But even CNN's own personal Latino Rob Riggle does something Snob-worthy once-in-a-while and this, sir and/or ma'am, is it.

That McCain flack didn't know whose show he just stepped into, just making shizz up in front of Rob ... I mean, Rick Riggle ... I mean ... Rob Sanchez, I mean ... The Riggle Sanchez don't PLAY that! You start naming names when you slander, Mr. McCainiac. NAME NAMES! No we don't know who you are referring to! (Via The Huffington Post)

John McCain As Rodney Dangerfield

He can't get no respect! The man with the nom de guerre "Joe the Plumber" was a no show at a John McCain rally Thursday not helping Senator Walnut Cheeks on bit. CNN's The Situation Room reported the campaign had the crowd all hyped because Sam Wurzelbacher, aka "Joe the Plumber" was supposed to be in the audience. But he wasn't. In fact he was a complete no show because:

A) He canceled on the campaign and McCain's aides didn't get the news to Johnny Mac in time

B) The campaign never confirmed with Wurzelbacher about him being at the rally

Wurzelbacher, according to CNN, put it all on the McCain campaign, claiming they asked him about it, but never followed up. When the staff tried to fix things by arranging for Joe to attend a later rally, Wurzelbacher shut-in-down, miffed about his name being brought up at the earlier rally when he was not there. But all the kinks were worked out in the end, and Wurzelbacher and McCain eventually shared the stage for the same time.

Did I ever mention how insanely dumb I think all this Joe Plumber/Wurzelbacher stuff is? Never mind ...

Considering that Joe is doing everything from flacking (poorly) on FOX News for McCain to possibly cutting a country album, Joe is pimping his 15 minutes to the max.

“Joe” — aka Samuel Wurzelbacher, a Holland, Ohio, pipe-and-toilet man — just signed with a Nashville public relations and management firm to handle interview requests and media appearances, as well as create new career opportunities, including a shift out of the plumbing trade into stage and studio performances.

On Tuesday, Wurzelbacher joined country music artist and producer Aaron Tippin to form a new partnership that includes booking-management firm Bobby Roberts and publicity-management concern The Press Office to field the multiple media offers he’s received over the past few weeks. (Politico)

Whoo, boy, said Sarah Palin to herself, who's the diva now?

But Jon Stewart tried to warn his ol' friend Sen. John McCain about plucking random folks from obscurity and making them surrogates.

The Economist Endorses Obama

Apparently the magazine didn't get the memo on Barry being a "spread the wealth," socialist, anti-capitalist red. Shame when that happens. Obviously McCain Campaign flack Tucker Bounds is not doing his job in getting the smears out n' stickin'.

From The Economist:

(T)his cannot be another election where the choice is based merely on fear. In terms of painting a brighter future for America and the world, Mr Obama has produced the more compelling and detailed portrait. He has campaigned with more style, intelligence and discipline than his opponent. Whether he can fulfil his immense potential remains to be seen. But Mr Obama deserves the presidency.

This doesn't mean The Economist is in love with Obama. They're concerned about how he'll handle the Congressional Democrats if they start pushing protectionist economic policies and acknowledge that he doesn't have a lengthy resume to do extensive tea leaf readings on. But like many members of The George Will Revolt, The Economist's editors couldn't get over how different the John McCain of 2008 was from the John McCain of 2000. And Gov. Sarah Palin? She almost made them spit up their blackberries and brie.

The choice of Sarah Palin epitomised the sloppiness. It is not just that she is an unconvincing stand-in, nor even that she seems to have been chosen partly for her views on divisive social issues, notably abortion. Mr McCain made his most important appointment having met her just twice.

The Republicans really left them with no other choice ... and somewhere Mitt "Mittens" Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, is rubbing his hands together, prepared to pull the lever for Obama -- not because he likes the candidate (Heavens no!), but to make sure it's his economic phoenix who will emerge from the ashes of what he hopes will be a crash and burn one-term presidency to give The Economist the free market, ship your jobs to China, lower your tariffs and raise your dividends, lover candidate she deserves in 2012.

Now he just has to get that woman out of the way.

No Jail for Woman Who Cried Big, Black Obama Supporter Attacked Her

Black people, don't hold your breath waiting for explanations or apologies!

From MSNBC.com/The Associated Press:

PITTSBURGH - A McCain campaign volunteer accused of making up a story about being robbed and assaulted in Pittsburgh by a man who disliked her McCain bumper sticker will enter a program for first-time offenders.

Under the deal announced in court Thursday, 20-year-old Ashley Todd will be released from jail and required to undergo mental health treatment. Her record eventually will be expunged as long as she goes to treatment, stays out of trouble and keeps authorities apprised of her whereabouts.

Todd, of College Station, Texas, has been jailed since Oct. 24, when police say she admitted making up a story about being robbed near a Pittsburgh bank and then assaulted by a man who scraped a backward letter "B" into her cheek.

Once again, none of this is funny -- even if for the first time since never no black men were corralled off the street and roughed up in an effort to find Ms. Todd's phantom attacker. Anyone who is familiar with American history or just recent history knows Todd is not the first white woman to cry wolf and claim a black man assaulted her leading to the harassment, arrests and in many cases imprisonment or deaths of black men. And I'm not even going to get into the times when one false cry lead to black settlements and towns being burnt to the ground causing the murders of men, women and children. So if black people seem a little chippy about this and just can't find the funny anywhere go Google Susan Smith or check out a copy of 100 Years of Lynching and tell us where you find the funny. (Originally found via Gawker)

On the Trail and Four More Days To Go

"What's that? Me tired? I can campaign harder now than I did in my 20s! Obama-Biden 08!"

Here's a round up of photos, of Barack and Bill in Florida "feelin' it" and Michelle hitting Las Vegas, NV, North Carolina and Colorado in two days.

"And people kept asking me, 'How much do you support this guy?' I swear, I support him this much!"

"Why yes! I do feel pretty and confident in my navy suit and matching flower pins! Thank you for asking! And I get to wear heels today in Raleigh! I swear, the minute this election is over -- nothing but stilettos from here on out!"

"Fight the power! (Unless my husband gets elected then it's 'love the power! The power is your best friend!')"

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

What's a little Democratic Primary between friends?

William Jefferson Clinton jumped on the stage and threw down a zinger-filled gauntlet for Barack Obama in Florida late Wednesday night. Clinton crisscrossed all over Florida that day, taking to the stump his case for why Obama is a tall glass of awesome.

I want to tell you is he's got the right policies. And I've read them all. And I've read his opponent's. People used to make fun of me for being a policy wonk but I take it after the last eight years, we all know it really matters what people advocate.

And let me tell you folks, is again something I can say because I'm not running for anything, the historical record shows that virtually every person ever elected president does his best to actually do what they say they're going to do in the campaign and Barack Obama's do-list is the better do-list.

The economic plan is better. The education plan is better. Young people, you read his plan. If you are willing to do community service it doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, you're going to be able to go to college, universal, everybody is included, no ifs, ands or buts.

And his health care plan is light-years better. And I can tell you there are people in this crowd, I know there, are who have lost their health insurance. There are people in this crowd who have children with autistic conditions or other disabilities that need help and nobody is helping them. And we're living in the government, last week one in eight Americans are not going to be able to afford their cancer drugs this year. America drops to 29th in infant mortality and we're spending more than anybody else in the world? They want to defend that.

Barack Obama wants to change that and he has a good plan to do it and we should vote for on Election Day.

And it just went on and on and on.

Then Obama returned that love, ten-fold, complimenting the chummy ex-president as he gave a rousing speech on how power does not concede authority so you better get your ass out there and vote!

Meanwhile, Republican opponent John McCain got himself some free airtime on CNN with fellow septuagenarian Larry King. McCain did the usual uncomfortable chuckle, freaky smile thing the whole time and, once again, used that line that the campaign wouldn't have gotten so vicious if Obama had just agreed to those townhall debates! Still trying to figure out how "I'm not participating in your townhalls" equals "So now I must slander your character and label you as a traitor," but ... you know, maybe Johnny Mac is that sensitive, petty and vindictive. And if he is, dear Lord, please don't let him be president. I don't want us to go to war with Russia because Putin didn't call and wish him a happy birthday.

A few folks watching Larry King Live (namely viewers on Twitter) were calling King and CNN out, claiming they passed on showing the Obama infomercial for cash to give McCain some much needed free airtime.

This is one of those times where I'm going to have to put my reporter hat on and defend CNN's decision. The O-mercial (as reviewed by Time Magazine) was 30 minutes of unadulterated, uplifting pro-Obama love for the middle class and his efforts to reveal his awesomeness to the public. CNN is a news organization and the infomercial was a "news" event. They wanted to cover it. I take them at their word on that one based on Journalism 101 rules.

Plus while McMaverick did get free air time he still had to answer questions not written by his campaign staff. While Larry King is not known to deliver beat downs, he did ask real questions that McCain had to smirk uncomfortably through and sometimes look like an ass while doing it and one smirky interview does not equal one awesome, slick 30 minute spot of "this isn't a presidential race, this is a movement" style film making.

Obama on The Daily Show

In case you missed it ... more Obama from the All Obama, All Day Show yesterday where Barack managed to be everywhere in Florida at once, got all "we are soooo awesome together" with former President Bill Clinton at a midnight rally, got his infomercial on seven networks, then went live from the infomercial seamlessly, THEN went on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart to crack a little wise and Friday he'll be on The Situation Room with the Wolfman?


Oh, and in case they revised it some, this was the official statement from the McCain Campaign via Tucker Bounds on Obama's commercial immediately after it aired Wednesday night:

As anyone who has bought anything from an infomercial knows, the sales-job is always better than the product. Buyer beware.

Awesome. Does this mean all McCain's ads are lies too? Awesome. Thanks, Tucker. Glad to know you couldn't find anything wrong with the commercial either.

Madame Tussauds Puts the Candidates On Wax

Interesting, but will Madame Tussauds of London's wax Barack Obama be as handsomely creeptastic as this one I reported on earlier in the year?

Eerily hot.

The Good, the Bad and the Absurd, Pt. 4: The Junk Drawer

When I wrote that people would put Barack Obama's face on anything for a buck I was not kidding. While these political Cabbage Patch dolls may be expensive, they still belong in the dustbin of political pieces of crap. Just like these following items sent to me by various readers. (Thanks C. Overkill again, who sent a few of these my way!)

There's an equally ugly (if not uglier) McCain doll so don't really stress over this thing.

Sign of the Times: Racists for Obama

Does this count as a sign of progress?

From Gawker:

This is the hot new trend of late October: openly racist white people for Obama! It began with random tales of canvassers talking to voters who plainly said they were "voting for nigger." Now, this kind of amazing photo of a home in Indiana with an Obama sign and a Confederate Flag has been making the rounds in the Tumblrverse. There are more illustrative anecdotes below!

Politico's Ben Smith wrote a story rounding up the stories of voters who "wouldn't want a mixed race marriage" for their children but are still voting for Obama. It featured this awesome Paul Begala quote:

“If you go to a white neighborhood in the suburbs and ask them, ‘How would you feel about a large black man kicking your door in,’ they would say, ‘That doesn’t sound good to me,’” said Democratic political consultant Paul Begala. “But if you say, 'Your house is on fire, and the firefighter happens to be black,' it’s a different situation.”

I'm not going to start singing "We Are the World" yet, but if this is the election that brings folks back to voting their interests and not on race or cultural controversies that'll be worth several attaboys alone.

Thirty Minutes With Barack

Here's the whole piece, "American Stories, American Solutions," for those who missed it Wednesday. It was almost perfect in tenor and tone (and substance) although someone is getting a talking to for a typo of $200,000 that should have read $250,000. For a minute I wondered if I'd written the graphics for Obama's infomercial.

That said, the old woman's arthritic fingers made me cry. So did her retired husband putting on a Wal-Mart badge to go to work at age 72. So did the guy who lost two-thirds of his pension, thanking Barack for acknowledging he'd earned that money and the company had no right to take it away from him. So did the third generation Ford Autoworker worried about his job, family and town. And so did Barack talking about his dying mother and I'd heard that part before a thousand times now.

Yeah. Nothing but sniffles, but I'm not ashamed. I'm a softie who wants to believe. I can't help myself. (Via Ben Smith' blog on Politico)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Make-Up 2008

I promise this is the LAST Halloween post I'm going to do this year. In case any of you still have not thought of what you want to be , I thought I'd give you one last idea- just go with the crazy make-up. People would be so busy admiring your eyes that they won't have time to care about the rest of your outfit!
Besides Galliano, my two other favourite crazy make-up looks are from Dior (left) and the Lacroix haute couture (right) show. Both redefines the upper and lower part of the eyes making their eyes look HUGE. They are in essence however, the opposite of each other. While Dior uses a sharp white base, Lacroix uses a smokey black base. Either way, I'm loving both of them. Go for the Dior look if you want to look feline and the Lacroix look for something a bit darker. A bit more subtly, we have the smokey eyes of the Chanel haute couture (left) and the Balenciaga (right) show. Just go heavy with the eye liner and the smudging. If you do have a costume, these would be more subtle looks for you. You don't want to take away too much from the outfit now do you?

And as for some simple DIY ideas: You can be forks/knives/spoon with alumninium, a piece of steak and ketchup/mustard to go with that. You can be Tetris pieces. Pacman and the ghost. Or a Twister board- just wear white and stick colored dots on yourself and carry the spinning thing!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Image Source: Style.com

Halloween Make-Up 2008

I promise this is the LAST Halloween post I'm going to do this year. In case any of you still have not thought of what you want to be , I thought I'd give you one last idea- just go with the crazy make-up. People would be so busy admiring your eyes that they won't have time to care about the rest of your outfit!
Besides Galliano, my two other favourite crazy make-up looks are from Dior (left) and the Lacroix haute couture (right) show. Both redefines the upper and lower part of the eyes making their eyes look HUGE. They are in essence however, the opposite of each other. While Dior uses a sharp white base, Lacroix uses a smokey black base. Either way, I'm loving both of them. Go for the Dior look if you want to look feline and the Lacroix look for something a bit darker. A bit more subtly, we have the smokey eyes of the Chanel haute couture (left) and the Balenciaga (right) show. Just go heavy with the eye liner and the smudging. If you do have a costume, these would be more subtle looks for you. You don't want to take away too much from the outfit now do you?

And as for some simple DIY ideas: You can be forks/knives/spoon with alumninium, a piece of steak and ketchup/mustard to go with that. You can be Tetris pieces. Pacman and the ghost. Or a Twister board- just wear white and stick colored dots on yourself and carry the spinning thing!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Image Source: Style.com

Halloween Make-Up 2008

I promise this is the LAST Halloween post I'm going to do this year. In case any of you still have not thought of what you want to be , I thought I'd give you one last idea- just go with the crazy make-up. People would be so busy admiring your eyes that they won't have time to care about the rest of your outfit!
Besides Galliano, my two other favourite crazy make-up looks are from Dior (left) and the Lacroix haute couture (right) show. Both redefines the upper and lower part of the eyes making their eyes look HUGE. They are in essence however, the opposite of each other. While Dior uses a sharp white base, Lacroix uses a smokey black base. Either way, I'm loving both of them. Go for the Dior look if you want to look feline and the Lacroix look for something a bit darker. A bit more subtly, we have the smokey eyes of the Chanel haute couture (left) and the Balenciaga (right) show. Just go heavy with the eye liner and the smudging. If you do have a costume, these would be more subtle looks for you. You don't want to take away too much from the outfit now do you?

And as for some simple DIY ideas: You can be forks/knives/spoon with alumninium, a piece of steak and ketchup/mustard to go with that. You can be Tetris pieces. Pacman and the ghost. Or a Twister board- just wear white and stick colored dots on yourself and carry the spinning thing!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Image Source: Style.com
Celebrity Photos Fashion