In other Sarah Palin related humor, Jon Stewart told Gov. Palin to go perform an unspeakable act on herself this week for inferring that small town America is the only real America. Not that "fake" America Osama bin Laden took the time out to bomb. You know? The one Stewart and many of you grew up in. I'm left to assume she's including me as well, a suburban born, urbanite.
Mama and Papa Snob are from the "real" America, rural Arkansas and Texas. Strangely, they don't distinguish between the two other than in St. Louis they ditched the outhouse. Granny Snob, still living in "real" America says it was really air conditioning, LBJ and indoor plumbing that stopped "real" America from being a complete hell hole.
Below are clips from Stewart's harangue in Boston followed up with a continued rant on The Daily Show Monday.
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