Celebrity Photos Fashion

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Riggle Sanchez Gets A Goat By the Throat

Normally I can't stand Rick Sanchez's 2 p.m. show on CNN because it is all over the place, no one talks for longer than 30 seconds on any given subject and it gives me seizures to see him bounce from "Twitter" board to "Facebook" page, all which seem too informal in a news setting. But even CNN's own personal Latino Rob Riggle does something Snob-worthy once-in-a-while and this, sir and/or ma'am, is it.

That McCain flack didn't know whose show he just stepped into, just making shizz up in front of Rob ... I mean, Rick Riggle ... I mean ... Rob Sanchez, I mean ... The Riggle Sanchez don't PLAY that! You start naming names when you slander, Mr. McCainiac. NAME NAMES! No we don't know who you are referring to! (Via The Huffington Post)


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