Celebrity Photos Fashion

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Google Stalking TJ Holmes: His First Time ...

... Voting.

TJ Holmes, who is the same age as me, did not do what I did in 1996 -- which was relish over the fact that I was 18 and now had a say in the political process. Yes. I am a nerd and our sloppy Representative Republic/bootleg Democracy with a dose of socialism is my civic religion. I was ready to say "hell no" to Sen. Bob Dole.

TJ was not. But I forgive him because he's pretty.

PS. Apologizes if the video doesn't run right at first. CNN is still working the bugs out in its player. Why they can't just jack how other video players work is beyond me. If they've got the cash for John King's fancy pants touch screens you think they could bootleg Vimeo or YouTube's technology.

For more TJ Holmes Google Stalking, click here.
For more TJ Holmes pictures, click here.
If you have any TJ Holmes related news or photos shoot a note to The Snob here.


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