Celebrity Photos Fashion

Friday, October 31, 2008

Chris Matthews Searches and Finds His Inner "Negro Lament"

After the "O-mercial" Wednesday night, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews sat down and had a little chat about it. After calling it effective and romantic Matthews, suddenly, as if reading from some stage play entitled "A Black Man's Lament," went into a lengthy rant how Barack Obama and the Obamas as a family have done EVERYTHING America has ever said black people needed to do, yet, some whites were still recalcitrant in accepting Obama, maybe more interested in forever moving the racial acceptance goal posts on "what a brotha has to do to be your new black BFF."

Chris, apparently, so moved by the O-mercial, can't take it anymore. If you still think Barack Obama isn't American enough why ... why ... why ... Chris Matthews doesn't like you very much right now. As I said to a friend, "Chris has converted suddenly from Catholicism to Negroism ... Like he went 'THAT'S IT! I've gone black and I'm NEVER GOING BACK! Bring on the chittlins!'"

(What's an Irish brotha gotta do to get you to vote for Obama rant begins at 2:50 on the video clip.)


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