Somehow I don't think our 42nd president of the United States minds this homage AT ALL.
I imagine former President Bill Clinton is hiding an entire stash of these Esquires featuring Halle Berry as him on his Esquire cover at his New York estate or in his Harlem office -- possibly next to that inaugural copy of George Magazine with Cindy Crawford as George Washington on the cover. (Man, I miss George ... and its founder.)
Bill will tell you, sexy ladies dressed as ex-presidents are hot and no one would appreciate this more than him, our former fornicator-in-chief. I imagine he's still smarting a bit over the whole Hillary v. Obama, Jesse Jackson, all-the-Negroes-hate-me-now-and-my-life-sucks thing he's been going through since February, but seeing Halle in no pants dressed like him ... yeah ...
Bill's good now. All good.
By-the-way, for those who don't know, Esquire named Halle sexiest woman in the history of the world or something earlier this month for their November issue. I knew she'd won the accolade, but didn't realize they'd chosen to have her pose as the Comeback Kid. (Hence my "old news." I totally would have reported this had I'd known about the political slant.) I say, bully for her. She deserves it. To me, her acting is questionable, but if there was a contest in Hollywood purely based on who could look the most hot, sans pants, dressed like Bill Clinton on a magazine cover -- no contest.
In other news: People Magazine posted this papparazzi picture of Berry with a curly 'fro and over sized aviator shades. Again, (for the curly 'fro snob girls), represent!
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