Found this item in my regular TJ Holmes Google Stalking. Seems TJ stays in touch with his old homies at the Bay Area NBC affiliate he used to work for before joining CNN. Former co-worker and news anchor Brent Cannon recently shared a story on the station's news blog of how the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup of the TV News doesn't wear the same necktie on television twice.
Once on air, that tie goes into re-Tire-ment. He also never wears a tie that costs more than ten bucks. He has a knack for finding great looking ties for ten bucks or less – wears ‘em once – and gets another.
When TJ left NBC Bay Area he had a massive tie giveaway. Many of those ties ended up in my closet, and you have likely seen them many, many times during our newscasts (’cuz I wear ‘em over and over).
TJ recently visited the Bay Area and swung by the studio to say hello to old friends. I mentioned that I needed a new shipment of ties. Well, the old ship came in last night. On my desk this morning, a whole batch of new ties from TJ!
Of course, I shared my good fortune with others – i.e. Mike, Craig and Scott – as you can see in the picture. I also “pass it on,” meaning I take the old ties from the first batch and pass those on to other people. I give them to friends, or to people I know who are tight on cash these days due to the economic times and I give some to Goodwill as well.
Considering how many broke people are out looking for work a free tie might come in handy.
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