The venerable Mrs. O will be making an appearance on Jay Leno tonight. With eight days left of campaigning, Michelle Obama has been everywhere this October working to jazz up support for her husband. From the stump to cuddling Barack lovingly after every debate, Michelle has taken her super helpmate action to the max.
And if I ever stop being lazy, I'll doodle a picture in honor of her with Michelle cast as Ororo Munroe, aka "Storm," an X-Woman who really should have her own movie if Halle Berry hadn't screwed up the part by being absolutely wrong to play a 5'11" African glamazon who just happens to be Queen of Kenya when she's not saving the world. (How someone so fierce could be made so boring is beyond me.)
Besides, Barack seems like Ororo's kind of man. Half-Kenyan/half-American, smart, aspiring to the highest office of the land ...
Wait ... maybe Michelle Obama IS Storm! Check for her personal affects for brown eye contact lenses and hair dye!
The plot thickens.
That said, here are some pictures of Mrs. Michelle "Ororo" Obama at recent rallies in Pittsburgh, Penn. and Akron, Ohio.

Baby kissing! Awwwww!
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