It seems the brain of the Republican Party is now horrified at the monster they helped create. Where will they go now? David Frum, David Brooks, Scott McClellan, Christopher Buckley, Christopher Hitchens, Peggy Noonan, Kathleen Parker, Charles Krauthammer (even though he still hates Obama), ringleader George Will -- the list goes on and on and they all blame, Alaskan Snow Bride Sarah Palin, but as Colbert drolly points out -- really? The party's been off the rails for years now. This is the excuse you're using?
On Larry King Live last night Larry King and CNN political map guru John King mentioned that the rift over Palin could lead to a break-up of the party. When Larry King asked the female Republicans on his panel about this I agreed with them in that I don't see this happening.
But I do see a mass purging coming if John McCain loses (or wins). A sort of Spanish Inquisition for modern conservatives, only instead of being drawn and quartered or waterboarded, they'll just be exiled to Berkley, Calif. or Greenwich Village, NY or the other anti-America parts of America.
I hope you like Gay Pride parades and spoken word poets, Peggy Noonan. Wherever those exist is where the RNC is setting up the concentration camps.
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