Black people, don't hold your breath waiting for explanations or apologies!
From MSNBC.com/The Associated Press:
PITTSBURGH - A McCain campaign volunteer accused of making up a story about being robbed and assaulted in Pittsburgh by a man who disliked her McCain bumper sticker will enter a program for first-time offenders.
Under the deal announced in court Thursday, 20-year-old Ashley Todd will be released from jail and required to undergo mental health treatment. Her record eventually will be expunged as long as she goes to treatment, stays out of trouble and keeps authorities apprised of her whereabouts.
Todd, of College Station, Texas, has been jailed since Oct. 24, when police say she admitted making up a story about being robbed near a Pittsburgh bank and then assaulted by a man who scraped a backward letter "B" into her cheek.
Once again, none of this is funny -- even if for the first time since never no black men were corralled off the street and roughed up in an effort to find Ms. Todd's phantom attacker. Anyone who is familiar with American history or just recent history knows Todd is not the first white woman to cry wolf and claim a black man assaulted her leading to the harassment, arrests and in many cases imprisonment or deaths of black men. And I'm not even going to get into the times when one false cry lead to black settlements and towns being burnt to the ground causing the murders of men, women and children. So if black people seem a little chippy about this and just can't find the funny anywhere go Google Susan Smith or check out a copy of 100 Years of Lynching and tell us where you find the funny. (Originally found via Gawker)
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