Chances are if you read this blog you are considering voting for Barack Obama, my fair Hopey McChangey for president. Good for you. But no doubt, you may be exhibiting some symptoms of campaign fatigue as you wait for John McCain and Sarah "2012" Palin to come up with something sexier than Joe the Plummer to distract the populace. But why so serious? Sure, this is a really important election with big issues and our country is in dire straits. That doesn't mean you don't deserve a little chuckle.
Rather than my usual menagerie of weird items with Barack's face on it for sale, this Tuesday, with two weeks until the deed is done, enjoy the lighter side of the bitchiest political ever. Don't forget to wear your anti-crazy amulets to keep Rep. Michele Bachmann from branding you as "unAmerican!" this Halloween! Joseph McCartney LIVES!

Here are some sad little cookies an overseas reader Lesa sent me regarding a pro-Obama function in London. As I wrote her, "Why do those poor cookies look like they have an Obama stamp stuck to them with Elmer's Glue. I sure it's just icing, but ... very Elmer's Glue." I think I'll pass on a bite.

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