I swear, the producers at Saturday Night Live only know two black people. That said, yeah! Maya's coming back for a visit! And she's playing Michelle! This will be ... interesting. I'm seeing her getting attacked by a pair of eyebrow tweezers in her near future.
The real question is will they bother darkening her up? They haven't for past roles where she played black women darker than her, but they darkened up Thandie Newton to play Condoleezza Rice in "W." so anything's possible. (And it was creepy how much Thandie looked like Rice in that movie, even if she was rendered to a mere "Yes Woman" parody.)
From New York Magazine's Vulture blog:
The special-guest parade continues on Saturday Night Live: TMZ reports that alum Maya Rudolph will return this weekend to play Michelle Obama — this should be interesting, particularly because we're just having a hard time imagining how a good parody of Michelle would look. Unfortunately, Tina Fey will not be around to resume her Palin-mocking duties (she put in her time last night), but give us Kristen Wiig as a glassy-eyed Cindy McCain and all is forgiven. [TMZ]
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