Gen. Colin Powell, seen here getting his swerve on at the Africa Rising music and fashion festival in London, is going on "Meet the Press" Sunday. Washington is a-buzz that the former Bush Secy. of State and leader of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (under the Poppy Bush) will throw himself onto Team Obama.
Earlier in the campaign, Powell was offering some foreign policy advice to Barack Obama, but had spoken favorably about both candidates throughout the election. Conventional wisdom is that it will be shocking if Powell doesn't endorse Obama, considering that backing McCain would be a non-starter (and not-really-earth shattering,considering Powell is a military man who worked for two Republican Administrations. Granted, the last one shut him down once they'd used up all his credibility, but it was within the same political family).
FOX News has hilariously tied this potential endorsement with a news clip from Powell's visit to London where he got up and did a little dancing with a musical act from Nigeria.
His address at the "Africa Rising" celebration inside London's Royal Albert Hall fueled speculation that an endorsement of Barack Obama is imminent.
Powell -- who has yet to back a candidate -- told the audience: "I stand before you as an African-American. Many people have said to me you became secretary of state of the USA, is it still necessary to say that you are an African American or that you are black? And I say yes, so that we can remind our children."
"It took a lot of people struggling to bring me to this point in history," Powell told the audience. "I didn't just drop out of the sky. People came from my continent in chains."
I don't know. Maybe this is part of some revealing "Oh my God! Colin Powell is some common Negro" journalism. Maybe seeing him with other black people, dancing of all things, then giving a speech where he acknowledged that African Americans have roots in ... gasp ... Africa, disturbed their sensibilities. I wonder if they remember his speech to the RNC a few years back and the large gaps of silence when Powell spoke about the reality of race in America. Just because you don't agree on the role of government in American life or you have an actual foreign policy/war "doctrine" named for you, doesn't make you magically stop caring about issues that effect black people. I swear.
Thanks reader Nichelle for the link!
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