Saturday Night Live's Thursday Debate parody ... best part, Bill Murray on the Cubs, Chris Parnell's excellent fake Tom Brokaw cutting off people and Darrell Hammond's McCain aimlessly wandering into the shot. I still hate Fred Armisen's Obama, but I'm learning to live with it, much like Amy Poehler's Hillary Clinton, who, initially, I wasn't wild about either.
I didn't see the skit when it originally premiered because I'm all about "Grey's Anatomy" and I don't own The Tivo. But Grey's was good Thursday night. (The hospital flooded! Meredith and McDreamy's relationship still makes no sense! Why is Lexie in love with George? Why must everyone want George?) I need my Grey's in my life. I'm very much waiting for them to find away to bring back the hot military combat surgeon from the season opener so Sandra Oh's Christina Yang can get some.
I have a thing for men in uniform. I still love the intellectuals, but if I could find an intellectual who could kick another man's ass? That would be my dream come true. Anyone know a hot SWAT team officer who reads Ralph Ellison?
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