Win, lose or draw, Barack and Michelle Obama already got the big prize. They're so adorable it's sickening! Look at them! They're too sweet. I'm getting cavities. I swear.

Everybody say "cheese!" But seriously. Michelle's dress? Love it? Hate it? Let's all agree, yadda, yadda, yadda, Michelle could wear a Hefty's Cinch Sack and still be hotter than July, but what about the red dress? For the Snob: Like the color. Like the cut. Like the shoes. Hated the exposed zipper down the back. Wasn't too crazy about the ... what were those? Pins? So this was a mixed bag for me. V-neck dark red dress, hot. Everything else that wasn't the heels, meh.

Michelle? Holding babies! OMG! Almost as cute as when Hopey McChangy does it! These pictures are from Thursday in New Hampshire where Michelle addressed a rally. Michelle went casual at the rally, so she looked like your average, laid back wife n' mother combo out to get the groceries, go to a PTA meeting and tell a throng of thousands while her husband is the man with the plan from the Heartland.

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