1) Not a game changer. Barack Obama more than handled his own. He dunked on his opponent multiple times and got him back for the "You don't understand" comment and murdered him with incriminations. John McCain was good, but not good enough to take out his opponent in his "so-called" best format. Once again, bad for McCain.
2) The format was terrible and Tom Brokaw came off rather snippy. It seemed unfair that candidates often were given the chance to respond to what the other said. I think that made both Obama and John McCain testy and rightful so.
3) Obama's answer to "what don't you know" was an adorable dodge, saying Michelle could tell all the things Barack doesn't know. She looked gorgeous by the way. More on her in another thread.
4) Obama was even better on the foreign policy side this time. Better than McCain who seemed to become more and more frustrated in lackluster as the debate went on.
5) All McCain's jokes bombed.
6) McCain called Barack "that one" which discuss who voted for what. It doesn't matter. It's rather patronizing to refer to black people as things rather than people. I don't think he did it on purpose, but it was poor form.
7) As I though, McCain didn't go kamikaze on Barack in the way his running mate has. I don't think McCain is fully committed to the dirt he has to do to win and that's an interesting conflict. Politico discussed it Wednesday.
8) After the debate, Barack and Michelle lingered around for more than 15 minutes, shaking hands, making small talk and posing for pictures with the voters. John and Cindy McCain bolted as soon as the debate was over with. Also, if anyone noticed, Cindy shook Barack's hand, but not McCain who barely acknowledged him and patted his shoulder. I think John was really frustrated, knowing that he didn't do anything to change the campaign in his favor. He's really struggling. If it weren't for the fact that I'm rooting for the other guy, I'd feel sorry for him.
9) Obama won the debate, handidly, because McCain was so dull.
More later on this, but what did you think?
PS. More updates later today in the afternoon. I have to go to work. Also, it's my birthday today. I'm 31.
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