Some observations from Sarah Palin's latest Katie Couric, CBS News related trainwreck:
1) Is this a joke? Seriously? She couldn't name a news paper? Not even the ones owned by Rupert Murdoch (New York Post, The Wall Street Journal) or the conservative alternative in D.C., The Washington Times? What kind of conservative is she? She couldn't think of a magazine? The National Review? The Weekly Standard? The American Spectator? The American Conservative? I don't even READ these publications and I know about them. She couldn't name something safe like The New York Times or The Washington Post? USA Today? No, she just says she reads "all of them" or whatever people give her. Is this performance art at this point? Thank God you can train and memorize for a debate, because when it comes to a TV interview this woman is a walking, talking nightmare.
2) She's a pro-life conservative, but ... she calls herself a feminist, she's cool with the gays (no judgments even though she calls it a "choice), she has no problem with most contraceptives (stopping short of the morning after pill), is for evolution being taught in schools, that man is partially responsible for global warming, and doesn't have a home church, only going to a variety of churches sometimes, a la our current president (who doesn't go to church) and her running mate, the other original maverick. She's already pissed off the intellectuals. Now she wants to leave the churchniks with some doubts? Who ARE you, Sarah Palin? And you're pro-Union (an issue not addressed in the interview)? WHO ARE YOU??? Dorothy, we are not in Kansas anymore.
Would the real original maverick please stand up? Because I could have sworn she was being sold as a hardcore faith-based, intelligent design jockeying, pray-the-gay-away churchnik and in the body of a pretty n' tough "hockey mom." I'm getting conflicting messages!
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