Celebrity Photos Fashion

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bits O' Fluff: Britney Spears Looks Sober (Yay!) and Mark Wahlberg Hates SNL

I was seriously worried about Britney Spears. Seriously. I don't like to see anyone go off the deep end. It's ugly, even if you're a fluffy pop tartlet. That said, why is it that Britney can get such a fun, funky, tight dance/disco pop production and Janet Jackson has been recycling "Janet." for a decade now? Janet would have tore "Womanizer" up, especially since she and Britney (and Madonna) are trolling the same region of the female sexualized pop. Anyway, nice work.

And Mark Wahlberg, who I adore despite his questionable acting skills is unhappy with Saturday Night Live. Wahlberg was a charter member, first draft pick for my Great Wall of Sexy based on his 90s era underwear model work alone. I loved him as a bigoted, angry cop in "The Departed" and I loved him as an angry, ex-military sniper in "Shooter." He plays good angry and I will probably watch "Max Payne" for him and Amaury Nolasco alone. If he ever wins an Oscar I have a fantasy of the band striking up "Good Vibrations" for old times sake. But even I was confused by SNL's Barky Bark and the Donkey Bunch skit where Andy Samburg, looking nothing like him, but sounding a bit like Walhberg, talks to animals in a Bostonian-by-the-way-of-the-Bronx accent.

Um ... I didn't get it. Neither did Mark.

From Huffington Post:

Someone showed it to me on YouTube. It wasn't like Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin, that's for sure. And "Saturday Night Live" hasn't been funny for a long time. They've asked me to do the show a ton of times. I used to watch it when Eddie Murphy was there and Joe Piscopo and Bill Murray. I don't even know who's on the show now.


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